Toddler Class Program

Our Toddler Program is designed to bring a world of learning to the two-tree years old kids. At this age they are filled with so much wonder and curiosity. That’s why we offer an interactive experience between the classroom, the teacher, and the children. Our classroom is a mini-community where we help every child succeed on their own terms.

The toddler will be able to use various materials to express creativity and to enhance fine motor skills, language skills, to understand number concepts, both quantity and symbol, to learn about the environment through the use of “trial and error.” We will support them to refine both fine motor skills and gross motor skills.

Fine motor skills are heightened through practical life activities such as pouring, sorting, etc. Gross motor skills are heightened in physical activities like rhythm/music movement and outdoor play. Also, through the art kids will be able to use various materials to express creativity.

Each child day is structured into learning blocks that focus on core concepts: cognitive skills, motor and sensorial skills, language and math skills, art. We promote healthy development through responsive environment and positive relationships with teachers who do more than teach—they nurture every child, paying attention to everyone’s unique needs. Who give them the confidence to try new things and make new friends?

How child plays, learns, speaks, acts, and moves offers important clues about child’s development. In this program, at CHIPS we will follow the things that most of children can do by certain age (2-3 years old). Our teachers will provide challenges that are not too hard or too easy—something toddlers can do with a little help. It also means that when teachers choose materials, activities, and strategies to use with toddlers, they think about.

– What most toddlers need—like moving and being active throughout the day;
– What individual toddlers need—like giving child-size scissors and paper to a kid, who enjoys using scissors and has mastered how to use them;
– Ways to support every child’s family and culture.

Teachers focus on five major areas of your child’s development, as follows


The toddler is refining both fine motor skills and gross motor skills. Fine motor skills are heightened through practical life activities such as pouring, sorting, etc. Gross motor skills are heightened in physical activities like rhythm/music movement and outdoor play.


Language activities are developing at a rapid rate during the toddler years. Sandpaper letters help the child learn the phonetics of the alphabet. Naming cards and matching introduce foundations for alphabet and language. Stories, finger plays, singing, and spontaneous conversation time encourage both social and language skills.


The toddler is able to use various materials to express creativity and to enhance fine motor skills. Language skills are further reinforced through the child’s description of the art and its personal meaning. Social skills particular to gift-giving are introduced and coordinated with traditional holidays.


The toddler uses hands-on materials for learning concrete math concepts. The toddler begins to understand number concepts, both quantity and symbol, and the meaning of zero. The child also begins to understand language used in performing simple single-digit addition.


The toddler is able to discover and explore the world around her through her five senses.


During free play the students will practice sharing, peer communication and interactions, expressing their emotions, cause and effect, refine fine motor skills through manipulative and have fun. Teachers will focus on bridging relating to others. Playing outside, children will practice taking turns, refine gross motor skills, learn social – emotional tools and have so much fun in our amazing outside area.


We encourage healthy snack – the key in providing with optimal health and energy to the children.


At the Daily circle we will show and tell, talk about home life, emotions, basic but at the same time important information for kids. Also, each week will have a theme that informs and teaches children patience, taking turns and promotes communication skills and new vocabulary.