Health and Wellbeing

Children’s health and wellbeing are a priority at CHIPS and it reflects in all our activities. Students feel well, rested and energised, because, besides a friendly environment, they are offered an age-appropriate tailored healthy breakfast, lunch, and snack during the day, as well as a quiet period immediately after lunch.

A key part of wellbeing is physical health. By staying active, children are looking after their bodies, improving their fitness and increasing their endorphin levels. This is great for them as they’re growing and developing!

We keep children active by taking them outside to run around and play with others, or alternatively we stay indoors and practice exercises or games in the Playroom.

Children love being active, and we can guarantee they will finish their active activities with lots of smiling faces!

Emotional Wellbeing

We do it lightly at the start and end of each day. In the morning, we ask children how they’re feeling so that we’re aware of what’s going on inside with them throughout the day. When the day is finished, we ask them again how they feel (hopefully it is a more positive answer after a day of learning through play!)

Reassuring young children that no answer is a wrong answer here. All feelings are normal, and it doesn’t define who they are.

Quiet time

For children’s mental, physical and emotional wellbeing, they need a time to sit, or lay and be quiet. This quiet time gives children a chance to digest what has happened in their day, reflect, rest and recharge.

Children need time to stop and take in what they have experienced in their day, so that they can learn and take time to understand new things. The best time for quiet time is after lunchtime, this time will also promote children’s ability to take in more new information, giving their minds a chance to pause without the external stimulation.

If children are struggling with their emotions, quiet time is also a brilliant way to teach self-soothing methods and help them work through their feelings in a peaceful way.

The Children’s Health is monitored and observed by a experienced nurse on a daily basis and assist learners in case of emergency.