Academic Calendar

Our Preschool Days
  • Our day starts at 08:00 and ends at 15:00. Please find our school calendar for term dates and special events.
  • Every student has their own cubby for their shoes and outdoor clothing, as well as a personal drawer inside the classroom for school work.
  • We enjoy playing outside in our playground twice a day.
  • Our kindergarten provides freshly prepared morning and afternoon snacks as well as healthy lunch. Everything is prepared by our wonderful in-house cooks team.
  • We strive to keep parents/caregivers informed about our learning in preschool. Parents/caregivers will receive regular updates on their child’s learning, two Reports (December and June) as well as invitations to a Parent-Administration Meeting (beginning of the year), Parent-Teacher Conferences (mid-year).
  • We like to get together as a community and celebrate several events throughout the school year to which all families will be invited.

CHIPS follows the Moldovan Ministry of Education calendar in observing all Moldovan Holidays. The calendar runs from early September to first week of June.


Hours of Operation


After School Program